April 16, 2010

Visa application ordeal

This whole visa application process had been such a huge, prolonged headache. From going to the embassy many times then deciding (very late) to outsource to a tourist agency to heated emotions and soured relationships that resulted, everything that could go wrong went wrong. And it hasn't yet ended cos (i) my application still hasn't been approved and (ii) if my grades for the finals suffer I won't be surprised cos this ordeal really has taken a toll on my mental and intellectual well-being. Rushing from embassy to agency to photo-taking (again with the hope that they won't recognize my face, hur) and troubling so many people in the process... Wah. Really indescribable.

To start off with, whichever organization works only 2 hours everyday? Even the French with their 4-day week probably clock more hours. And they take plenty of Fri-Mon long holidays, there was one during the Good Friday weekend and another during Labour Day weekend. And what's the point of having 5 hotlines listed on the website when none is answered, whatever day and time I call?

I don't understand why the policies are so inflexible. If multi-entry visas with 6 months validity are offered, what's the issue with requesting for an extension of the usual single-entry 60-day visa (to 70 days)? Anyway, so now I have with 2 options: (i) Apply for the 60-day then apply for an extension upon arrival at the local police station, (ii) Apply for double/multi entry, which entails taking leave in between to HK then returning to the mainland again. Which is absolutely silly since it's unnecessary, and would incur more costs. There's option (iii) too, which is to shorten the entire stay, which means... *breaths* eithershorterninternshiporshortertravelwithjess/katiewhichwouldbe

Faced with alternatives and opportunity costs, Economics have never been so relevant in my life till now. Like having to forego revision, or even rest time, to rush somewhere, worry about something, figure out which option is best, everything visa related.

Okay I need to breathe and be still. Any more panicking and my nerves are really going to snap. The upside in this whole ordeal is that I got to know there are really some very very very very nice people in this world. I have lost count of the no. of times I've disturbed Amy and April asking them for umpteen favours and questions; and Jessie from the agency is really nice (though of course she has a professional obligation to be since I've paid for her service) that I felt bad for snapping at her over the phone when it's not her fault but I was much too agitated; and my 伟大的妈妈; and Pa too I guess, driving me around whenever he can. Haiz.

I could have better things than this to say - honestly SO MUCH more has happened in the past semester than just this - but right now I can just muster enough to rant.
